In-depth syllabus for HHA training
Know what to expect for courses before you start your HHA training
Maybe you’re looking for a new job opportunity or maybe you need to start earning some more money.
If so, it might be time to enroll in an home health aide (HHA) training program. However, many people are unaware of what the syllabus looks like and what they’ll be learning while enrolled in one of these courses.
It’s important to know this before signing up because if you don’t want to learn about certain topics then it may not be worth investing your time and money into the course.
The Code of Federal Regulations provides the training qualification guidelines for home health aides.
HHA Training Syllabus
- Home health aide training must include classroom and supervised practical training in a practicum laboratory or other setting in which the trainee demonstrates knowledge while providing services to an individual under the direct supervision of a registered nurse, or a licensed practical nurse who is under the supervision of a registered nurse. Classroom and supervised practical training must total at least 75 hours.
- A minimum of 16 hours of classroom training must precede a minimum of 16 hours of supervised practical training as part of the 75 hours.
- A home health aide training program must address each of the following subject areas:
- Communication skills, including the ability to read, write, and verbally report clinical information to patients, representatives, and caregivers, as well as to others on the home care team.
- Observation, reporting, and documentation of patient status and the care or service furnished.
- Reading and recording temperature, pulse, and respiration.
- Basic infection prevention and control procedures; HHA’s CANNOT give a tubal feeding!
- Basic elements of body functioning and changes in body function that must be reported to an aide’s supervisor.
- Maintenance of a clean, safe, and healthy environment.
- Recognizing emergencies and the knowledge of instituting emergency procedures and their application.
- The physical, emotional, and developmental needs of and ways to work with the populations served, including the need for respect for the patient, his or her privacy, and his or her property.
- Appropriate and safe techniques in performing personal hygiene and grooming tasks that include –
- Bed bath;
- Sponge, tub, and shower bath;
- Hair shampooing in sink, tub, and bed;
- Nail and skin care;
- Oral hygiene;
- Toileting and elimination;
- Safe transfer techniques and ambulation;
- Normal range of motion and positioning;
- Adequate nutrition and fluid intake;
- Recognizing and reporting changes in skin condition; and
- Any other task that the agency may choose to have an aide perform as permitted under state law.
HHA Training Details
If you’re looking for a career change, this is the perfect opportunity. Whether it’s to be closer with your family or just find something new in life, being an HHA could offer both of those options and more!
The training requirements are relatively low to be a home health aide.
A 75-hour program is all you need to become certified, and it’s easy enough that most people can learn the skills necessary in less time than they spend on their daily commute!
A typical course outline (also known as a “syllabus”) is as follows:
- Program Orientation: 3 hours
- Human Growth and Development: 3 hours
- The Older Adult in Society: 3 hours
- Communication: 3 hours
- Individuals and Families: 3 hours
- Special Problems/Abuse: 4 hours
- Death and Dying: 3 hours
- Nutrition: 3 hours
- Home Management: 3 hours
- Home Safety: 3 hours
- Blood Borne Diseases and Universal Precautions: 4 hours
- Others: 8 hours