Free HHA Training Near You: Start Your Healthcare Career
Get FREE HHA Classes Near You!
Free HHA Training Near You
You want to become a home health aide (HHA) in 2024, but you don’t know how to get free training / courses. Right?
But you simply can’t afford the cost of HHA training; it can be very expensive!

The good news:
You can get FREE training from home health aide agencies! Learn how you can get free training and education in home health care, so that you can have a successful and rewarding career.
There is a high demand for home health aide training, which means that not only are there many job seekers but also new openings. This has led to an increased number of people inquiring about the possibility of getting no cost HHA classes.
Most home health agencies in offer free HHA classes. It’s the best kept secret!
Home health aides are in high demand, but not everyone can afford the training. Luckily there is a way for those who need them to get HHA training from local nursing homes, agencies and even hospitals.
(If you are a SNAP participant, also known as food stamps, then you can get free HHA training in your state – it’s the law!)
Since the demand for home health aides is skyrocketing many agencies are training their own workers and offering it for free.

Step #1 – Focus and Search
Focus on agencies where you will be working.
In your case, it may be ; though this will work for any city and state.
No matter what state you want to work in there are home care opportunities galore.
Why focus your efforts across the state? Look locally as that is where you will be working.
If you’ll be working, for example, in Brooklyn, New York then find agencies in that area.
Here’s how to do it yourself…
Start now and search for your HHA training
Load your favorite search engine (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) and type in the search bar:
“home health aide agencies in brooklyn new york”
[This is just an example; if you live in , then you’d search for: home health agencies in .]
Take a look at the results using Google for “home health agencies in brooklyn new york”:
Look at all these great results – this shows the top ones; if you scroll down in your results, you’ll see many more.
What if I search for “hha certificate near me” or even “hha schools near me”? What you’ll find is too many schools and these will not be free!
To summarize:

Step #2 – Take Notes
Start to click through the listing of the home health agencies.
Go to the websites; look around and get a quick feel for the companies – first impressions are everything!
On their website, click some of the example links below:
Locations (may be under a “Contact” link): where are the offices; is there more than one location; is the main office close to you? Of course, you’ll be working in clients’ homes, but the office is most likely where the HHA classes and training will take place.
About Us: how long have they been in business; are they affiliated with a larger / national company; what geographic areas do they serve?
Services Offered: this will highlight some of the homecare services they offer their clients.
Employment Opportunities: the demand is very high for aides so many companies show this information on the front page. This is where you will find about the training that’s required to work for them and if they offer it at no cost, or low cost.
Reach out to the ones that may be of interest to you.

Don’t email them… please call them on the phone (if they provide a phone number on the website).
“I hate using the phone, it’s 2025 why can’t I email them?”
Here’s why.
First, you find if they are legitimate. If you reach a machine, leave a message and no one calls you back within a day then scratch them off the list!
Second, as you are speaking with someone you will get a feel for how they act with folks. Are they rude, short with you and don’t have answers to your questions? Scratch them off the list.

Checklist for HHA Free Training

This quick and simple checklist will walk you through the best HHA schools and training classes. You can use this now or download for use later!
Sample HHA Training Questions
Here’s a suggested list of questions that you may want ask to help to narrow the selection of agencies.

What are the requirements?
While you may know the HHA requirements for your state some employers may have their own requirements. You’ll want to know this upfront.
For example, your state may need 75 hours of HHA/CNA training. But an agency may add on another 20 hours – that will make a big difference when you make your decision on where to work.

Who will do the HHA training?
Registered nurses, or referred to as a “RN”, conduct home health training. Since the home health industry is growing so fast things slip through the cracks… agencies will try to use someone other than a RN to do it – this way they can cut costs.

Is the clinical training available, too?
This sounds odd but sometimes agencies do not perform their own clinical training. (Clinical aspect focuses on home care and the demonstration of skills with patients in a real or simulated setting.)

Are you accredited and state approved for home health aide classes?
This may not make sense now but as you narrow your selection it will.
You only want to work for an agency that has a state approved curriculum. And if they are accredited, that’s even better. These employers will be funded by Medicaid / Medicare allowing you to work as a certified home health aide and make more money.

Where does the HHA training take place?
Silly question? The headquarters of the agency may be a couple of miles from you house but the training itself could be at a centralized training classroom. That may be 50 miles away! And the skills part may be at another location. Better to know this upfront before you make a training commitment.

How long is the training?
This can run anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 weeks; ask agencies how long theirs is. Some may be bound by state requirements. Also ask if it is full time or part time – some firms will allow you to take your time and take a few classes a week, but these are few and far between.

When companies offer no-cost training they want to train you efficiently; which means you may be going full time for several weeks.

Are there any requirements to be eligible for the HHA training?
You may not want to ask all of these this early but these are standard requirements you should be aware of.
- 18 years of age or older
- required to pass an entrance exam
- requires a high school diploma / GED
- provide photo ID and Social Security Card
- deposit for books / supplies
- drug-screening test and background check
- need to lift up to 50 lbs.
You’ll have a full list of requirements long before you start.

What is the cost of the home health training?
This question makes more sense than “Is it free?” as this sounds like you are more interested in something for free than working with/for the company. The agency wants to make sure you are the right fit for the company, and you’ll be a great home health aide – that’s how you want to sell yourself.

Who covers the cost of taking the HHA competency exam?
There may be costs associated with taking the competency exam, it may be anywhere from $50 – $200; ask up front.
Passing the exam is not difficult as long as you know what to expect. Being prepared and knowing what is on the test is the key to passing.
You do not want to worry about the money involved; many agencies will cover the cost of this for you.

Are there any others costs I should be aware of?
There could be other expenses that are part of the training.
You don’t need specifics on all these items this early in the game, but you should be aware of any extra costs such as:

Is there any commitment to work? If so, for how long?
If the agency offers free home health aide training and job placement then they will most likely make you to work for them; and for a certain period of time.
They don’t want you to take advantage of this great opportunity, get your certification and then go work for a competitor up the street.
They are giving you something, now you need to give them something.
You may need to work for them for six (6) months. Signing a commitment letter even before you start your free HHA training will also be required. Read the letter and if you don’t understand something ask.

Step #3 – Start Applying!
If you don’t have a good selection of companies then start your search again – starting with Step #1 above.
Draft a resume that highlights your education, skills, and experience. After you write your resume, get someone else to proofread it to provide you with a second opinion to ensure that there aren’t any mistakes and you didn’t leave out anything.

When creating your resume, be sure to include your name, contact information, and email address at the top. You should also list your educational background and any training you’ve done. Your work history is also important to include, along with your job responsibilities and achievements. Finally, list any special knowledge or skills you have. This can include CPR training, human anatomy, etc. you know or computer programs you are skilled in using.
Perhaps you would like to use a single resume for each job. You might be tempted to replicate the resume for every job application, but you have a better chance of being invited to an interview if you adjust it for each job. Review the job description and incorporate any keywords into your resume.
For example, don’t ask for the free HHA training but rather beat around the bush a little… something like:
“I have heard nothing but good things about ABC Home Health Agency and I think I would be a great additional to your professional staff. I am a hard worker who has dedicated myself to the home care industry. I have the following skill set …”
Processing the application may need to be online so after you’ve completed it make sure you give them a call to see if they have received it.

They will schedule an interview to get to know you better; rehearse what to say on the interview; they will keep it relatively brief.
They also need to perform a background check and a pre‐employment physical.
You’re on your way – stay in touch with them to let them know you’re very interested in being a home health aide for them.
The agency will need to check your references. This may take a little extra time as they get in touch with the folks you’ve listed on the application.
Assuming all checks out they will enroll you in the next open class! Keep in mind you need to attend all your classes.
Depending on the state, once you complete the classes your information is sent to the respective board of nursing. That will make it official that you are a certified home health aide (CHHA).
You can now start working and making money!