Vermont HHA Requirements
In order to receive your home health aide certificate (really a Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA)) in Vermont you need to follow their specific LNA education requirements.
LNA training programs must consist of:
- at least a total of eighty (80) hours of training
- which needs to include at least thirty (30) hours of clinical training
Search for FREE HHA Training in Vermont
Best kept secret? Free HHA training is available in Vermont! The demand is great for home health aides and agencies are offering free training classes; below is an example – be working and making money as a HHA in just weeks!
In Vermont a home health aide is a licensed nursing assistant.
In order to be a licensed nursing assistant (LNA) in Vermont you must pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP).
There are two parts to this test (very typical of the format of a HHA exam):
- nursing assistant knowledge
- practical skills
The exam costs ~ $150 though employed, in training, nursing assistants may be able to have their employer cover this for them.
Vermont LNA/HHA Resources
- VNA of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties is a fantastic resource for Vermonters seeking home health or hospice care.
- Franklin County Home Health Agency is also a great resource for LNA’s in Vermont.
- Vermont Secretary of State has a helpful section on its website regarding licensed nursing assistants along with forms and applications.
- For a listing of approved nursing assistant programs in Vermont you’ll want to see this listing – very helpful!
- VNA & Hospice of the Southwest Region highlights some great resources and services available in Vermont
Here’s our search tool to find Vermont HHA agencies and FREE training classes near you!
- Get started as a Vermont home health aide in 4 weeks.
- Learn how to pass the Vermont HHA exam.
- NEW: Vermont food stamp recipients (also called SNAP) can get free HHA training!
More information on Vermont’s training requirements for Licensed Nursing Assistants (LNA) can be found on their ELMI Occupation Report page.