Oklahoma HHA Requirements

In order to receive your home health aide certificate in Oklahoma you need to follow the minimum [federal] home health aide education requirements.
Oklahoma HHA training programs must consist of:
- at least seventy-five (75) hours of training
- which needs to include at least sixteen (16) hours of clinical training
- plus, there is a requirement to complete twelve (12) hours of continuing education for every twelve (12) months

Oklahoma takes its home health aides seriously, with state-mandated training and competency evaluations.
All nurse aides educated in Oklahoma receive ten hours of training related to Alzheimer’s. The curriculum includes information on how individuals with dementia or a cognitive disability should be treated, ways for caregivers and family members alike – including reduced stress levels during difficult times through mindfulness techniques.
Search for FREE HHA Training in Oklahoma
Best kept secret? Free HHA training is available in Oklahoma! The demand is great for home health aides and agencies are offering free training classes; below is an example – be working and making money as a HHA in just weeks!
Oklahoma HHA Resources
Here’s our search tool to find Oklahoma HHA agencies and FREE training classes near you!
- Get started as a Oklahoma home health aide in 4 weeks.
- Learn how to pass the Oklahoma HHA exam.
- How long is the HHA Certificate in Oklahoma good for?
- NEW: Oklahoma food stamp recipients (also called SNAP) can get free HHA training!
Here’s the federal code Oklahoma adheres to Section 484.80.