2025 Home Health Care Agency Policies and Procedures Manual

150 + Policies and Procedures, Templates, Forms, etc.!

5 star rating
  • Don’t spend your time reinventing the wheel – ALL THE WORK HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU!
  • All the policies you need on DAY ONE.
  • From Patient Rights to Job Offers to Patient Tracking Logs and everything in between.
  • NOW includes updated agency Job Descriptions.
  • Proven forms that are customized with your Agency information PLUS your logo – all included for FREE!
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Customized for FREE with YOUR agency information!

Your home health care agency needs a manual that is easy to read, understand and follow.

This home healthcare agency policy manual is designed to help you make quicker decisions while complying with all licensing guidelines, increasing productivity, reducing liability, improving employee retention and providing employees with a reference source.


This has been used by hundreds of home healthcare agencies. These policies will increase productivity and provide employees with a reference source allowing them to make quicker decisions while complying with all licensing guidelines.

The importance of a Policies and Procedures Manual

  • reflect your agency’s values, mission, and vision
  • help promote quality improvement and aid in risk management
  • may be required for legal, licensing, certification and/or accreditation purposes
  • act as a communication and teaching tool
  • provide consistent direction and guidance and to allow staff to perform their activities and tasks with consistency and efficiency
  • help to orient new staff, employees and contract workers about their purpose, job standards and expectations.
  • help avoid conflict and the potential for misunderstanding

All of these Policies and Procedures are pre-written/produced saving you lots of time, effort and money!

Easy to add additional policies and/or delete ones you don’t need. Each policy or procedure is a separate document – making it super easy to edit as you see fit.

Don’t be scrambling on day one. You have better things to do!

Have the answers to key questions in order to focus on operating your agency and making money!

For example:

  • We need to hire a home health aide; do we have a job description?
    • We need to outline her responsibilities.
  • We just discharged a client; was there a procedure for that?
    • I think we just broke the law.
  • Field staff are dressing sloppy; what does the dress code say?
    • What? There is no dress code?
  • An aide was exposed to blood; should this be documented?
    • Can we be sued if she gets sick?
  • Can we change our plan of care from what the physician ordered?
    • How do we let the family know about this?

What’s Included?

We want to make this super easy and convenient for you – we know your time is very valuable.

number 1

Policies and Procedures /
Employee Handbook

More than 150 forms, templates and job descriptions you can use starting, running and building your agency – we’ve done all the heavy lifting.

number 2


Add your full color logo along with agency name, address and other key contact information – FREE. This is YOUR brand!

number 3

Print (and Edit!)

We’ll ship all the files to you on a thumb drive – and that’s FREE, too. Begin using your new Manual and Handbook right away!

Get Your Customized Manual and Handbook!

Your new Policies and Procedures Manual (and Employee Handbook) is the map to your day-to-day operations, ensuring compliance.

It provides guidance for decision making while remaining flexible enough to make adjustments as needed.

The end result?

Your home health agency will provide better quality care, a safer and compliant workplace. This means you can grow your business without the danger of being shut down or fined for not meeting government standards!

NEW Employee Handbook: Your Path to Excellence

Oh yes we did!

In the dynamic world of home health care, ensuring the highest standards of patient care and compliance is paramount. That’s why your home health agency needs a tailored Employee Handbook, specifically crafted to align with the unique needs and values of your organization.

Our customized employee handbook not only streamlines the onboarding process for your dedicated staff but also serves as a comprehensive guide, outlining your agency’s policies, procedures, and expectations.

From HHA dress code to medical time off, this empowers your team with the knowledge they need to provide exceptional care while maintaining regulatory compliance.


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Saved us costly mistakes!

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
We were just in the planning phase of opening our agency (e.g. our market and mission, how to staff and train folks, overall structure, etc.).

Getting your manual opened our eyes to so many issues that we had to rethink our operation – AND ALL FOR THE BETTER! We avoided 2 very costly mistakes and are open now with more than 75 patients.

Thank you for the quality product.
Jennifer Bines
Owner/Operator, Aging With Care

Yes. This will be part of your overall planning of the operation of the agency.

Before you take your first patient you will need such forms as Admission Process, Patient Rights and Responsibilities, and many more. You may not be able to start your agency in without most of these forms and templates.

All of our Policies and Procedures and [NEW!] Employee Handbook have been newly updated for 2025; there have been many changes in rules and regulation just in the past couple of years, especially post-COVID. Our included forms and templates can be “dropped” into your existing manual where necessary.

If you are just starting out and/or want to improve your existing operations Policies and Procedures Manual and Employee Handbook will prove to be a very valuable resource. They contain important policies and procedures which provide the framework that defines your agency’s operating principles and processes.

Our Policies and Procedures are designed for smaller agencies that are in the planning phase or are up and running a smaller operation. Many owner/operators just beginning will find these of greater benefit.

Yes. Each document is in the format of either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel making it very easy to make any changes you’d like. The Manual can be easily edited by tweaking, deleting, or adding new policies to conform and comply with any state requirements. Same thing for the Employee Handbook!

You also get updates to all the manuals – all included in your one time purchase.

Yes! Below are the most common areas of customization to help complete your documents.
• [Agency] Name and Address
• Phone and Fax Numbers
• Company email address

Yes! Your logo is placed in full color on these highly visible documents that clients, physicians, and family are most likely to come in contact with.

That’s our #1 question we get!

Order your Policies and Procedure Manual now and then we can update later if/when you want to add your logo – all FREE of charge. Same concept applies to agency name, address, etc.

No. These are more than 150 forms, policies, and procedures (with job descriptions!) that are ideal for those in the planning stages or thinking about starting a home health agency. Already up and running? See a sample of what we are offering to make sure you are covered.

This is a bargain compared to the more than $2,000 cost of high end, and frankly overkill, manuals.

No, all the files will be delivered 1st class mail on a secured USB drive (some call it a thumb drive). There are no printed copies available at this time. Plus, enjoy the convenience of ongoing updates and revisions at no extra cost—everything is included in your purchase.

Elevate your agency’s professionalism and streamline your operations with our top-notch, easily accessible solutions!

hha procedure usb

All files (including bonus material such as HHA Study Guide!) can be accessed and printed by you any time of the day or night!

Files are editable Microsoft® Word files, delivered electronically via thumb drive; shipped 1st class for free.

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After your order is placed, you will receive a confirmation that we have received your order.

You will then be re-directed to a page allowing you to enter any custom agency information such as name, address, etc. You can also provide your logo – if you have one!

Your company information will be added to the Home Health Care Agency Policies and Procedures Manual and the Agency Employee Handbook. All for free.

Considering the more than one hundred files and hundreds of pages, we fulfill 9 out of 10 orders within 2-3 business days of receiving all the necessary information (e.g. logo, agency name, address, etc.).

All the files will be delivered 1st class mail on a secured USB drive (or thumb drive). There are no printed copies available at this time.

Plus, enjoy the convenience of ongoing updates and revisions at no extra cost—everything is included in your purchase.

No physical printed version of the 2025 Home Health Care Agency Policies and Procedures Manual or 2025 Home Health Agency Handbook will be supplied. The HHA pin and stickers will be shipped FREE to you!

Yes. You can print as many copies as you need for your agency.

  • Product 1: 2025 Home Health Care Agency Policies and Procedures Manual (eManual) by HomeHomeAideGuide®
  • Product 2: 2025 Home Health Care Agency Employee Handbook (eManual) by HomeHomeAideGuide®
  • Author: Kerri Anniko, RN, MPH; Kevin Ortega, CPA, PMP; Tina Fields and select outside advisors.
  • Edition: 5th Edition
  • Publication Date: January 2025
  • Format: Editable Microsoft® Word file, delivered electronically via thumb drive; shipped 1st class for free.
  • Updates: Includes electronic updates for the first year.
kevin ortega

About US

Kevin Ortega

We have partnered with Kevin who has helped dozens of home health agencies with their written procedures. Not only an accomplished technical writer, Kevin has advised and supported agencies for almost 20 years.

“These Policies will save you hundreds of hours of work and aggravation. We’ve done the work so you don’t have to – FOCUS ON YOUR AGENCY!”

kevin ortega signature
plus hha bonus
huge bonus added
hha lapel pin

This exclusive home health aide pin proudly displays your status as a healthcare professional serving others unselfishly.

The words “Home Health Aide” curve around a gold-plated 3D die cast pin – this is jewelry quality that will immediately distinguish you from others.

This 1″ pin will look beautiful on your uniform, scrubs, smock or shirt in order to show that you’re proud of what you do every single day.

Your new pin includes a beautiful and sleek black velvet cloth jewelry pouch! This elegant, soft drawstring bag is the perfect place to store your pin. Better yet, if you give the pin as a gift this will be the perfect way to present it to that special home care professional.

It gets better…

delivery truck icon

FREE shipping and handling are included. You will be assured of top-notch service as your pin will be shipped to you FREE!

This pin is only offered here; you cannot find it anywhere else.

5 star rating



Are you tired of getting nickeled and dimed? Do you want to spend less time on paperwork, not more?

One low price of $189.95 for everything!

It’s tough to keep track of all the paperwork that goes along with running a healthcare agency.

The last thing you need is another stack of forms and papers to fill out, but it seems like every day there are new requirements from or the federal government.

Get an organized system in place so you can focus on what matters most – caring for your clients! With Forms & Templates for Home Health Agencies, you’ll get more than 150 customizable policies and procedures that have been proven by thousands of other home health agencies just like yours.

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These are digital products, no physical printed version of the 2025 Home Health Care Agency Policies and Procedures Manual or 2025 Home Health Agency Handbook will be supplied upon purchase other than the USB thumb drive and HHA pin. These will be shipped FREE to you. The use of books, manuals, and electronic media as images is solely used for the purposes of marketing the materials.

How To Become a Home Health Aide (HHA)