Nurse Shortage in Some States to Continue
During the previous two years, the American heath care system was strongly impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus. The demands of healthcare workers, particularly nurses, have been so unrelenting that they have been often beyond endurance. This data indicates that healthcare workers can’t be expected to fill increasing demands anytime soon.
Some common factors surface: The US is losing healthcare professionals to burnout and at an unprecedented rate, a significant portion of physicians have retirement plans, and greater demand for mental health providers will be observed in the coming years.
Based on recent projections, more than 3 million registered nurses in the United States and the demand for these professionals is expected to increase by at least 5% until 2023, with more than 1 million of them expected to permanently leave the profession. This implies that more than half the states in the US will not be able to meet the demands of nursing talent.
Many local nursing shortages will be in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Colorado, Illinois, and Massachusetts. But the Southwest and South will also experience a shortage of nurses before local demand is met. New entrants into the local nursing workforce are projected to outpace demands due to migration trends from other regions.